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Results 41 - 50 of 127 (page 5 of 13)
New kitchen garden : growing and cooking with organic herbs, vegetables, and fruit / by Adam Caplin & Celia Brooks Brown.
The gardens of Colonial Williamsburg / by M. Kent Brinkley and Gordon W. Chappell ; photography by David M. Doody ; additional photography by Tom Green and the staff of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
Small garden style : a design guide for outdoor rooms and containers / Isa Hendry Eaton & Jennifer Blaise Kramer ; photography by Leela Cyd.
Courtyards to country gardens / Todd A. Steadman with the garden staff of Southern living magazine.
Japanese garden design / Marc P. Keane ; photographs by Ōhashi Haruzō ; drawings by the author.
The formal garden : traditions of art and nature / Mark Laird ; photographs by Hugh Palmer.
The big book of flower gardening / [the editors of Time-Life Books].
Classic plant combinations / David Stuart.
Artists' gardens / Bill Laws.
Irish gardens / Olda FitzGerald ; photography by Stephen Robson.

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