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Results 1 - 10 of 14 (page 1 of 2)
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn : life's greatest lessons are gained from our losses / John C. Maxwell.
Intentional living : choosing a life that matters / John C. Maxwell.
Simple is the new smart : 26 success strategies to build confidence, inspire yourself, and reach your ultimate potential / Rob Fazio, PhD ; foreword by Neil Cavuto.
Dream year : make the leap from a job you hate to a life you love / Ben Arment.
Performance breakthrough : a radical approach to success at work / Cathy Rose Salit ; illustrations by Drew Dernavich.
That's not how we do it here! : a story about how organizations rise, fall--and can rise again / John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber.
No fears, no excuses : what you need to do to have a great career / Larry Smith.
Grit to great : how perseverance, passion, and pluck take you from ordinary to extraordinary / by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval.
Pivot : the art and science of reinventing your life / Adam Markel.
The happiness equation : want nothing + do anything = have everything / Neil Pasricha.

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